Being actively busy is my excuse for not being on here for ages and ages.. but what does that mean and how do we reconcile the choices facing us when we get 'busy'?
For many of my coachees the challenge is feeling comfortable with our existence when we 'fail' to maintain our very high standards and let something slip?? Or when we take on more than we should and find ourselves not keeping in touch with friends who we would love to catch up with; missing out on down time with our partners/children, giving up our hobbies and leisure or not exercising.
The crucial part is the process involved in the decision. Are you actively or passively allowing your time to be managed and how much priority do you give to some of those areas?
Passive busy is where we have simply not bothered to consider what we are giving up as we are swept away on a raft of busy, drawn in by a perceived need to keep doing. Or we have not learned the skills to prioritise ourselves and end up responding to everyone else's needs.
Active busy is no less busy than passive busy but we are in control of the where, how and what. We get to make a decision to put aside somethings so we can challenge yourself in otherways, we decide that with our remaining time in the week we will focus on exercising rather than going out for dinner.
It is always more challenging when we are making decisions about people, not catching up with that friend or asking our children to do one less activity so there is a sense of family harmony. However, the reality is that it is more enjoyable and more real if when we do catch up with our friends it is at a time when we can be present, and real friends will understand the pressures of your life- if you are in control of it. And our families... well we also get to make the choices there, we are after all the responsible ones!!
So try it, look at what you are doing and ask yourself what is in control the busy or you???? If it is 'the busy' then make a small decision to change something and please let me know how you go.... talk to me..
And for me... my choice was active sport over blogging but having sustained an injury I can get back to this!!!!
So can we catch up for that drink now?
ReplyDeleteMarcie from