Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Plugged in or plugged out???

Scott a friend/ colleague of mine asked me to give him feedback on his nascent blog... and in doing so one of his articles touched a cord with me regarding the choices we make to be engaged or to avoid being engaged. 

That article, about the use of earphones/music while exercising speaks to his purpose for coaching and demonstrates absolutely his expertise and the passion for what he does..... but the element that struck a cord most for me and my experience with working with people is 'what are you avoiding when plugged in,' or why are you plugging out?

When we chose to plug in our ear phones and listen to music... are we actively seeking to hear music or are we seeking to be plugged-out? To get some 'space,' some 'time out?' To avoid making conversation, to avoid feelings of discomfort or loneliness.

If you are plugging-in because at that moment in time you want to listen to music and enjoy the emotional journey music takes you on then go for it... enjoy the moment.

However, if what you are doing is plugging-out, then you are avoiding something, falsely creating a space or pleasure or disengaging with your reality, with your here and now. And in plugging-out you risk not dealing with or engaging with your real world or the real people in it.

So... if you are plugging out, ask yourself why? Are you avoiding something or someone? Are you avoiding pain, discomfort, loneliness? Are you trying to create space or time out? Or are you just doing what the majority of people you observe are doing and want to simply fit in- (are you being a sheep)?

And once you identify why you are plugging-out decide what you want to do about it, and maybe chose to be totally unplugged a little more often.

After all our own everyday reality is actually hard to beat when we know how to live in it and chose to be engaged with it.....

For more information about Scott or his article go to.....



Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Time for something new?

Trying something new is always a bit of a challenge.... but one which can bring us whole new avenues to explore...

When was the last time you tried something new? Or do you follow the same pattern week after week, even year after year? 

A new topic of conversation, a new restaurant, a new type of food, a new author, a new hobby, a new....... (fill in the blanks).

Without newness we run the potential to become stuck in a rut, doing the same things we have always done, which were fun once, but have now become habit. And habits are not necessarily good for us. So check out your routine and ask yourself if you would like to make a little change to it...

And if you do... think about something you haven't tried before, read/ search out what is available in your local area, and then go and do it... 

...you never know it could be the start of something amazing!!!!