Sunday, November 11, 2012

A well worn path

 My challenge for the here and now is to take note of 3 things as you go about your day to day activities. Things you see everyday but pay no attention to: a beautiful set of stairs travelled up and down by generations of people all set about their own day to day; a century old tree who has cast shade on your route for decades; or a children's book which sits on the bookcase now collecting dust...and when you notice them think about the value they give/ have given to you...

It is incredible to think that in each day we follow the same path, be that on foot, in the car or through habit but often fail to appreciate the very things that make the path smoother....

For those of you who like an even greater challenge pick a significant person... and notice some of the 'overlooked' traits they possess.... think about how those traits positively impact on your journey.... and if you are feeling really brave you could even tell them... go on.... it won't hurt that much...

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