Monday, May 9, 2011

Blogging award!!!

Slight change to plan, not my usual style post.... and all because someone lovely sent me a blogging award.... 

The Versatile Blogger.....  not quite an Oscar.... but the new blogger equivalent (or at least that is what I am telling myself!)

and I am very excited as it may help in my quest to find 100 people who "get" my approach to coaching during 2011 and follow me, so just ordinary normal people going about their lives wanting to make a slight change here and there.... and need a place to discover what that change might be.

Drum roll please....... drrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.... a huge thanks you to the lovely Marcie of the most amazing 

Marcie is hilariously funny and trying to do what most of us are... make some changes.... and strangely enough that is what I do!! So coming soon will be a coaching Marcie blog from me as a thank you for this lovely award.... Watch out Marcie...

I also now have to tell you 7 things about me (part of the award thing)
1) I love people watching (not procrastinating honest!!)
2) Coffee is an essential item of my day
3) Getting outside preferably with an essential part of my day
4) I think children should be allowed to be children more than they are
5) One of my wishes would be that we as people in our society got better at empathy....we seem to have lost that somewhere along the way
6) I get angry when people in cars only think about themselves....
7) I think we need to do more incidental exercise.... get off our butts and walk more places

And I really enjoy what coaching does for people.... let me know if you get a buzz/ some success out of any of the posts!!!!

Thanks again Marcie.... catch you soon.......

I also need to add some more new people here..... but need to do some searching first so it will have to be another day!!


  1. I hear ya. :) I'm an 'on my arse most of the day' worker. I'm thinking of saving up for a treadmill and making a workstation out of it so I can walk and work at the same time. :)

  2. Thanks JM.... you could also consider a cycle seat that powers the computer!! Hope you get a fresh air walk in soon!!!!
